HTML Tutorial for Absolute Beginners: Where do you start learning HTML the right way?

HTML is the foundation of every website. It's the language that tells browsers how to display text, images, and other content on a web page. If you want to create your own website, or even just understand how websites work, it's essential to learn HTML.

HTML is not a difficult language to learn. In fact, you can get started with the basics in just a few hours. In this essay, I'll walk you through the steps on how to start learning HTML.

1. Set up a development environment

The first thing you'll need is a development environment. This is just a place where you can write and test your HTML code. There are many different development environments available, but the most popular ones are:

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Sublime Text
  3. Atom

These are all free and open-source text editors that come with built-in features for writing and debugging HTML code.

Once you've chosen a development environment, you'll need to create a new HTML file. To do this, open your text editor and create a new file with the .html extension.

2. Learn the basics of HTML

Now that you have a development environment set up, it's time to learn the basics of HTML. HTML is a markup language, which means it uses tags to define the structure of a web page. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< and >).

The most important tag in HTML is the html tag. This tag defines the start and end of an HTML document. Every HTML document must have an html tag.

Here's an example of an HTML document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My First HTML Page</title>
  <h1>This is my first HTML page!</h1>

This document defines a simple HTML page with a heading and some text.

3. Practice writing HTML code

There are many ways to practice writing HTML code. You can:

  • Write your own HTML documents
  • Follow HTML tutorials
  • Solve HTML exercises

I recommend that you start by writing your own HTML documents. This will help you to understand the basics of HTML and how to structure your code.

Once you've written a few HTML documents, you can start following HTML tutorials. Tutorials are a great way to learn new HTML features and techniques.

Finally, you can solve HTML exercises. Exercises are a great way to test your understanding of HTML and to practice your coding skills.

4. Learn more about HTML

Once you've learned the basics of HTML, you can start learning more about the language. There are many resources available to help you learn more about HTML.

Some of the best resources for learning HTML include:

  • The W3Schools HTML tutorial
  • The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) HTML documentation
  • The HTML Dog HTML tutorial

These resources will teach you everything you need to know about HTML, from the basics to the advanced features.

5. Build your own website

The best way to learn HTML is by building your own website. This will give you a chance to put all of your HTML skills to the test.

There are many ways to build a website. You can use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla, or you can build your website from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

If you're new to web development, I recommend starting with a CMS. CMSs are easy to use and they make it easy to create a professional-looking website without having to know any HTML or CSS.

Once you've chosen a CMS, you can start building your website. There are many tutorials available online that can help you get started.


Learning HTML is a great way to learn about web development. It's a relatively easy language to learn, and it's a valuable skill to have in today's digital world.

If you're interested in learning HTML, I encourage you to follow the steps in this essay. With a little practice, you'll be creating your own websites in no time.

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